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Yako Boxing

Yako Boxing Yako Boxing

Cardio and reinforcement
30-45 min
  • Punching bag under-gloves
  • Gloves
  • 1 warm-up
  • 6 parts
  • 1 stretching

Yako Boxing

What’s Yako Boxing?

  • An explosive group class on a punching bag, making boxing accessible to everyone.
  • You work in pairs on a punching bag. The combinations are simple, intense, and dynamic.
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Who's it for?

  • Accessible to all, with no barriers based on gender, age, weight, or sporting ability.
  • For beginners: Various low-impact options are offered throughout the session.
  • For the more experienced: Perfect your hitting techniques.

Why should you do this?

  • To improve major physical qualities: speed, power, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, etc.
  • To tone the whole body
  • Develop agility and precision
  • To let off steam

Punching bag and gloves


Yako Boxing
  • Concept release date: 2017
  • Choreographer's entry date to the concept: 2017
  • Number of editions by the end of 2023: 18
